[용어] Up to Isomorphism.
2008. 4. 4. 01:00
In mathematics, the phrase "up to xxxx" indicates that members of an equivalence class are to be regarded as a single entity for some purpose. "xxxx" describes a property or process which transforms an element into one from the same equivalence class, i.e. one to which it is considered equivalent. In group theory, for example, we may have a group G acting on a set X, in which case we say that two elements of X are equivalent "up to the group action" if they lie in the same orbit. - Wikipedia.
All groups with a single element are isomorphic, all groups with just two elements are isomorphic, and all groups with just three elements are isomorphic.
When there is only one group structure for some, we use the phrase " Up to Isomorphism " to express this identification.